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Hungry to Learn – Spotlight on Andy

There is no standard day for Andy, a Project Engineer at Bellwether Technology Corporation. One day he’s working from home on a new SharePoint rollout, and the next he could be loading 100-pound battery backups into a network rack at a client site. Andy is ready for whatever the task the day calls for, whether it’s putting in a couple of hours’ drive time to work onsite, or sitting comfortably at his desk. Andy’s career at Bellwether began more than 10 years ago when he started out as a Service Desk Technician shortly after he finished college. He spent a […]

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Keeping the Plates Spinning – Spotlight on Lauren

An IT career isn’t explicitly reserved for engineers and technology specialists. For people like Lauren, who is a business analyst at Bellwether, you can excel without a background in IT if you’re willing to jump in and learn new things. In her position that involves documenting all of Bellwether’s internal processes, Lauren uses her love of learning to figure out how things work, understand the process, and see where improvements can be made. “I’m constantly learning,” Lauren explained. “I absorb as much as I can, put the pieces together, and be a bridge or translator between the technical and client-facing […]

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The Power of Shared Knowledge – Spotlight on Gary

According to Gary, Bellwether Technology’s superpower is the way that everyone in the organization shares information. Whether the communication takes the form of client meetings, one-to-one discussions with colleagues, or creating documentation, the outcome is that people gain understanding. Understanding is essential for making connections and facilitating forward movement. Gary is a Project Resource at Bellwether and in his 28 years with the company he’s facilitated a lot of forward movement for clients, colleagues, and his own professional career. He’s seen a lot of changes during the four decades that have passed since he started working in IT in the […]

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Extreme Dedication – Spotlight on Rodney

Extreme Dedication - Spotlight on Rodney with employee headshot

Rodney is the Professional Services Manager at Bellwether. He’s been working in the IT industry for more than three decades, with most of those years being at Bellwether. It was during his high school years that he became interested in computers when his brother-in-law introduced him to the world of technology. He found that he loved it but his career in IT almost didn’t take off. Rodney was walking out of his house to become a supervisor at a Wendy’s restaurant when he got a call from Poco Sloss, owner of Bellwether, which was called ComputerLand at the time. Poco […]

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Cultivating the Human Element of IT – Spotlight on Jennifer

Spotlight on Jennifer

Professionals in the IT industry understand their work isn’t solely about technical issues. They also interact with the people behind the devices, and that involves fostering relationships in addition to solving computer problems. After building a long career in the industry, Bellwether Technology support specialist, Jennifer knows that often the best way to help someone with a technical issue begins with simply listening to their frustrations, so they feel heard. “I hate to be on the end of a computer that’s having problems, so I understand the frustration,” Jennifer explains. “If there’s something I can do to help that person’s […]

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Space to Learn – Spotlight on Ryan

Space to learn - spotlight on Ryan

Ryan had been tinkering with PowerShell to do individual tasks for several years before he started working on the service desk for Bellwether. Although creating automations wasn’t technically in his job description at the time, he was curious to see what he could do with PowerShell and he asked for the opportunity to experiment. What he received was space to learn. Fast forward to the present, and Ryan is neck-deep in PowerShell every day as a Security Automation Engineer. You might say that discovering this application has led Ryan to his calling but he’s not just a fan. He’s fanatic […]

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Here to Help – Spotlight on Ross

Here to Help Employee Spotlight on Ross

There’s often an audible sigh of relief heard over the phone, when Ross responds to a client support request and the person on the other end knows that their problem is going to be taken care of… fast. As a Support Specialist at Bellwether, Ross troubleshoots client issues all day long. The pace is fast as he moves from problem to problem, ranging from a simple password reset to a networking issue, but he loves it and can’t imagine doing anything else. Ross enjoys the variety that comes with each day, and he feels that the company sets him up […]

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Shaping His Own Destiny – Spotlight on Steve G.

Shaping his own destiny - spotlight on Steve G

Steve G. is the Scrum Master for Bellwether Technology’s software development team. Scrum is a framework that helps dev teams work together to create products that solve complex problems. Steve’s role is focused on moving the team forward. He takes upcoming requirements and input from stakeholders and distills it into reasonable chunks of work for the dev team to tackle. On a day-to-day basis, you’ll find Steve facilitating meetings, gathering information, communicating to stakeholders, and finding answers to questions. His activities resemble those of a Project Manager – and he’s certainly managing projects – but with Scrum, how the team […]

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Always Thorough, Always Prepared – Spotlight on Brian

Brian is known for being thorough. Whether it’s revamping a network closet’s cabling or getting answers to questions before they’ve even been asked, Brian likes to be prepared. This quality serves him well as an Escalation Engineer for Bellwether and the end result is that clients feel taken care of. According to Brian, there are a combination of factors that come together to create a client experience where people feel heard and attended to. One is the personal interaction. When he’s troubleshooting an issue, he likes to go directly to the individual to talk with them to find out exactly […]

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Account Management with Integrity – Spotlight on Michele

Spotlight on Michele

Every day is different and holds its own challenges for Michele, and she likes it that way because it keeps her thinking and learning. As an Account Manager at Bellwether, it’s Michele’s job to be the go-to person whom clients call on when they have questions about anything at all having to do with their Bellwether IT services. She may not always have the answer right away, but she’ll find it or get them to the people who do. In her role, Michele works closely with Bellwether’s vCIO’s (Virtual Chief Information Officers) to make sure that the lines of communication […]

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